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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have to admit, I do kinda of like twitter. I like how I can stay in touch with people a lot faster using twitter. I haven't checked out any library twitter accounts yet, but I could see using the site. We could send tweets to patrons about storytime tickets or even in the future I could see staff using that social network site as a way to contact each other. Example might be on road conditions or running late. I had my doubts about the site at first, but I have enjoyed using it to follow the latest information. I find it like a lighter verison of facebook and other social networking sites that people use. I'm still learning more about the site as I play around with it. I was amazed on how the news did say that twitter was one of the first sites that people used to tell family members that they were ok after the earthquake in Haiti. It just shows that these sites are here to stay.